Day Habilitation / Community Development Services
Progress Unlimited, Inc.’s Day Habilitation/ Community Development Services program is based in the community at large. At Progress Unlimited, we are committed to support people with intellectual and developmental disabilities seek to learn and experience all the community has to offer by joining clubs and programs, taking day trips, volunteering, attending educational workshops, and interacting with other community members.
Each person will learn new skills and share experiences in a fun, self-paced environment which will foster an appreciation for oneself and others. Everyone will be offered an opportunity for personal/professional growth, community engagement, and an enriched quality of life.
Day Services operate Monday through Friday between 8:30am-2:30pm. Trained staff will work with each person to develop their weekly schedule, based upon their unique interests, talents, and goals.
PUI utilizes the following customized approach to ensure a successful employment match:
- An initial exploration process which identifies each job seekers skills, preferences, and natural talents as potential employer contributions.
- Provides opportunities for informational interviews, job shadowing, time limited work experiences with potential employers to gain a better understanding of specific job tasks and work environments.
- Identifies specific labor needs of area businesses to foster a relationship in the community between the employer and our job seeker.
- Provides continuing support through job coaching, mentoring, training and/or the development of natural workplace supports to ensure a successful transition.

Have you heard?
Progress Unlimited now provides this service to Anne Arundel County!
For more information or to inquire about services, contact:
Susan Weisgerber
Director of Meaningful Day and Personal Supports
410-363-8550 ext 3111